Hello, Nice to meet you

My name is Jami Lynn Bula. I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor. I practice at IPNB Psychotherapy of Austin.

I completed a masters in counseling with the goal to support people through challenges inherent in relationship, sex, and love.

My passion is to help people define and create the relationships they crave. I work with individual adults and couples who want deeper connection, healthy partnerships, and a more satisfying experience of sexuality.

I believe people are drawn into relationship from a deep need to connect- this pull is part of being human. Yet, most of us were not taught how to be in relationship well.

I count myself in this group; I have had to learn everything I know about healthy, fulfilling relationships. In fact, I am still learning and will continue to learn for the rest of my life. I am here to support your learning and growth, as you create the life and relationships you desire.

Want more information about how I work?

Head over to YouTube for free video content at Practice Intimacy!